Well, I can't believe I'm halfway through the pregnancy already. Last Saturday I turned 22 weeks and so far this pregnancy has been going smoothly. My morning sickness eased up at 16/17 weeks and I've started to gain back the weight I lost.
Check out the bump action!
How far along: 22. 5 weeks
Baby is the size of a : Spaghetti Squash (8 in) and 1 pound
Total weight gain: about 9 or 12 pounds-ish..
Maternity clothes:...Not yet! Its still rather hot here in SC ao maxi dresses, skirts and leggings have saved me so far but I did purchases 2 pairs of maternity jeans for the fall/winter.
Stretch Marks:..no new ones but this reminds me that I need to purchase some more Shea butter.
Best moment of the week: My husband being able to feel Baby A move. He was deployed during my pregnancy with Ms. J. So, it is an amazing feeling to have him here to experience everything he missed.
Cravings:... Pizza and sweets. I'm not a huge fan of chocolate but I could eat chocolate anything right now! I was the same way with eldest DD.
Belly button in or out:.. Its been working its way out since 16weeks!
Symptoms:..I've been experiencing some hip pains but only on my left side. Also dealing with headaches every now and then.
Labor signs:...thankfully not yet! Little mama can bake a lot longer..
Looking forward to...getting started on the nursery. The girls will be sharing a room and luckily I don't have to do too much!
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